You should never 'STAY' if you are not happy

The one lesson I always carry with me in my every day life, from friendship, relationship and even work; is that I will never stay if I am unhappy.
 In the beginning I did not understand, but as I grew older, I realised that this lesson can be implemented in every single scenario of our lives.

When we get into a new relationship or start a new job, there is an inevitable excitement that is attached to it. Of course you realise that there will be hardships and challenges, because what is growth without a big hurdle?

However, if you get into something and you begin to realise that you are changing and you hating every minute of the transformation, something is clearly wrong. Like a Caterpillar, metamorphism can be ugly but it will always lead to a beautiful result. When it doesn't? Something is really wrong with the process.

I for one am very intolerable of a collective number of changes. Racism, abuse of any kind, pretense, superficial people, many things... And when I begin to feel myself becoming one of these people I step back, because I know I do not want to be one of those racist, abusive and pretentious people.

For instance, about a month ago, I felt like I was being turned into a typical racist freak. I felt a cloud of racism hover above me, as I viewed a person who I felt knew nothing was undermining me. Usually there is nothing wrong with this, but instead of looking at this problem like any other; I viewed the situation as one being influenced by racism, from my side.

The moment this occurred and after I shouted to someone "she is a white stupid bitch" I knew I had to leave because this was just the beginning, and I would grow to be a person who realises colour; which is something I never want.

I was told I could ignore it or I could try to get to know this woman; but I did not want to. The strangest thing about this person is that she is known as a Nun and a Godly woman. But when I saw her, I saw Diablo. 

When she was not around I was happy, but the moment she walked in and said 'Good Morning everyone" I would feel a chill, which I feared, because it felt straight up evil.   

My point is, you should never let people tell you that things will change or you should stay and maybe she will leave. Nah!
I strongly believe that what I did was strength. I am incapable of staying where I know the sun will never shine. Because I will whine, and spend my whole life talking about this woman.

Staying and complaining, for me, is a person who is afraid of being happy. I choose to not be one of those people. Happiness is a choice.

What is the purpose of getting up every single morning only to deal with people who only form hatred in your heart? What is the purpose of life if it is not to be happy?

 We are not brought to this life to be miserable. We are here to live our lives to the fullest, and going through every single day grumpy is not one of it.

Another thing is, some people have a way of trying to change you into an ugly person. DO Not let this happen to you. Be happy!


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