Drop the Race Card

Our country is truly disappointing me. We just cannot seem to get away from this thing called ‘racism’. It is a disease, and bit by bit it is only drawing us apart. Citizens of this country are only caught up in a game between Media and Political leaders. I have become well aware of the way media handles stories of different races. When there is a road rage between a black man and another black man; it is never reported no matter how brutal it is. But when it is a story specifically between a white man and a black man it is high up there in the news feeds, fueling our people with anger amongst each other.  20 years in democracy, people are starving and living in shacks and we still care about a white man and black man fighting each other, who cares? Men fight every single day, because they are men.  Where is the media that actually informs people?

On Monday, DA MP Mike Waters posted a picture, on Twitter, of dogs queuing to urinate on a photograph of president Jacob Zuma propped up against a tree. A caption on the picture reads: "Voting Day. Make your Mark". ANC spokesperson Zizi Kodwa said the tweet indicated the DA saw blacks as "sub-human... dogs". Honestly, when I saw that picture. I saw black dogs, white dogs and even brown dogs. In my mind, when I saw the picture I just thought Waters is mocking ANC voters, no specifications to race, just voters. Everyone has been mocking ANC voters since the 7th of May, but this one is handled differently because he is a white person who is part of the DA, really? The picture is insulting, but definitely not racist. Enough with the race card already; whatever politicians and media have against each other they can keep us citizens out of it.  

Do not get me wrong though. I am not saying that there are no racists. There are blacks, whites and Indians who are very racist. But sometimes people are not racist, it is just human nature. For example, a white person can be considered racist for making a remark about black people not washing their hair every day. Personally, I do not think it is racism, I think it is a white person not understanding a black person’s lifestyle. Or, when a black person assumes a white person is faking and being racist when they smile at you as your eyes meet in a mall or a queue at the bank.

Black people are not very accustomed to being smiled at when you don’t know each other. When you smile at them they think “Are you crazy or something?” But when a white person smiles at you, most of them are just being polite, it is just a sign of friendliness. And the issue of white people’s hair and black people’s hair it’s one that needs its own page. But it is simple really; we do not consider it as being dirty. Black people’s hair shrinks whenever it touches water, be it rain or just water on a daily basis. And unfortunately most black people do not own hair dryers.

My point is we really need to find a way around this race thing. There are certain ways to spot a racist person, but writing something about two races does not make it a racist thing. If there is a disagreement between a white person and a black person, do not assume it’s about race. Sometimes people do not like each other. There are numerous issues of race in our country, but I am sure they are way less than it is being made to seem. As citizens of this country, we have learned to live amongst each other, maybe it is tolerance, I do not know. But for some of us it is working.

On politics, I do not like the way ANC is handling their affairs. I feel as though they know they are not doing a good job and when they find a chance to hide their flaws they take any opportunity there is, which I believe the Mike Waters issue is; but it is just my opinion.

We cannot listen to media and politicians dictate to us on how we should view life or our South Africa. We are a country moving forward. Our children are playing amongst each other without worrying about colour. Let’s not ruin their futures because we have problems in our past. Do not tell them that it is wrong to play amongst black children because you never did. Do not tell them to fear white people because you fear them. Do not tell them it’s wrong to love another race because it is wrong to you. Let them decide for themselves, because we were clearly never given that chance.


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