Taxi Driver Apprenticeship

The work itself is tiring. But I do it every single day at an attempt to discover something new.  I learn from observing people but most specifically my interest in the mind of a taxi driver. I often use the Mandela Bridge route and as I pass by the Bree Taxi Station I hear the bickering’s of loud Zulu taxi drivers. I fear them truly so I never go up to them instead I eavesdrop in their conversations. I found today’s topic of their conversation rather amusing. It was just like that moment when I learned that taxi drivers are very observant don’t ever think they are not looking. I was curious by how they are able to keep up with the number of people that get in and out of their taxis and some guy was caught for not paying thinking that the taxi driver had forgotten. I always thought that they just drive people and did not pay attention. However, this time around I was shocked by their interest in global change and their knowledge of its existence and impact.

We are all aware of the fact that globalization exists and more so that Western culture is taking over. I heard this taxi driver speak to his colleague if I may say, about how black children aren’t as respectful as the ones from their time. He mentioned how the influence of Western culture has driven black children to disrespecting their elders. At first I found it funny that they were talking about something like this, but it’s becoming infectious he said. I mean, young children of today speak back to their elders, when told of their wrong doings they become sassy and roll eyes with their response being F* you. From a young age, I know this because I was taught by my grandfather, that you shouldn’t talk back to someone older than you, you shouldn’t look them in the eyes or something as simple as giving your chair to someone older than you. It is all considered respectful. The taxi driver mentioned that this was the work of western influences as children become knowledgeable with the help of smart phones they become big headed and suddenly think they know better. He went on to mention black women and not being home enough to raise children. “It’s their job” He said.     

Nevertheless, we cannot ignore evolution. Women went from being gatherers, wives, mothers and men being hunters, husbands, protectors and providers. To today where women want to be more than just wives, they also want to be providers and protectors; some women actually end up being single parents not particularly by choice, point is everything has become an equal share of everything. But the taxi driver blamed women and globalization and he mentioned the influence of globalization on women as the hijacking of position.
According to his meaning, the hijacking of position is when a woman takes a man’s place as the pants ‘wearer’, taking over providing rights in the household while a man looks after the kids and cooks. Women shouldn’t be the only ones given the job to discipline children, men should help out. “Children should be taught by their mothers” he said. His mentality got me thinking a lot, globalization has had a great influence on human evolution. There are so many things we can do because of globalization and its economic, political, and technological characteristics. Like the introduction of washing and dishwashing machines that cuts down on the use of human labour but no time is spent with family, that’s what got me curious about globalizations influence on human attitude.

 As we become passive beings our attitudes towards each other is changing. Despite the taxi drivers focus on black women and children I have become witness to everybody’s change because of globalization. We are becoming lonely beings as we rely on gadgets to entertain us. We would rather sit at home chat on our phones than get out and interact with people. Young children spend so much time indoors playing video games which push children to be violent and introverted, or chatting to friends on their Blackberry’s than get out and be active.
I am not against women being independent and black children being knowledgeable about their world, but when that independence and knowledge makes you think you are better than the next person or you to look down on some men and women, and become rude towards other people it becomes sad as you become alone for thinking the way you do. Globalisation should be a great thing but its impact on human civilization should be reconsidered. As technologies grow we are being pushed back into savagery. Being a global citizen should be about interacting with everyone on a much broader scale.

It starts to seem as though globalization comes with throwing away cultural beliefs, as we welcome becoming one nation there are consequences to this venture and the taxi driver made me aware of this, which was unexpected. His conclusion was that children need to be taught at home about the ways of treating people of different ages, sex or culture. Although globalization does not recognize colour it should make people aware of different cultures and enforce respect. As culture and respect make you an individual from the next person that’s why they are celebrated here in South Africa but they need to be enforced as globalization seems to be whipping them away.  


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